2024-25 Season
Data updated through February 19 at 11:00am PST
Rank | Change | Team | Record | Rating | Change | Region | Conference | SoS | PDC | % |
7 | Sprocket NE 1 | 11-5 | 1892.51 | 16 | Northeast | East New England | 1732.21 | 160.3 | 0.09 | |
12 | XIST NE 2 | 6-4 | 1819.12 | 16 | Northeast | Metro NY | 1769.82 | 49.3 | 0.03 | |
15 | Slow NE 3 | 4-5 | 1778.56 | 17 | Northeast | East New England | 1796.12 | -17.56 | -0.01 | |
19 | 3 | Big Rig | 18-1 | 1768.63 | 7 | Northeast | West New England | 1373.49 | 395.14 | 0.29 |
26 | UNION | 6-4 | 1687.36 | 14 | Northeast | Upstate NY | 1565.55 | 121.8 | 0.08 | |
37 | Townies | 10-5 | 1561.02 | 14 | Northeast | Upstate NY | 1462.73 | 98.29 | 0.07 | |
38 | Funk | 18-2 | 1556.48 | 15 | Northeast | Metro NY | 1257.22 | 299.26 | 0.24 | |
45 | Wild Card | 11-9 | 1475.61 | 13 | Northeast | East New England | 1427.82 | 47.79 | 0.03 | |
46 | Garbage Plates | 14-5 | 1472.3 | 14 | Northeast | Upstate NY | 1318.05 | 154.25 | 0.12 | |
47 | Darkwing | 7-5 | 1465.76 | 14 | Northeast | East New England | 1355.17 | 110.59 | 0.08 | |
49 | Zero Strategy | 11-4 | 1433.93 | 7 | Northeast | West New England | 1220.48 | 213.45 | 0.17 | |
52 | Grand Army | 15-4 | 1391.22 | 15 | Northeast | Metro NY | 1202.31 | 188.91 | 0.16 | |
56 | Buffalo Lake Effect | 14-8 | 1344.87 | 16 | Northeast | Upstate NY | 1222.08 | 122.79 | 0.1 | |
59 | 1 | League of Shadows | 11-8 | 1311.8 | 15 | Northeast | East New England | 1247.52 | 64.28 | 0.05 |
60 | 2 | The Buoy Association | 9-4 | 1306.16 | 13 | Northeast | East New England | 1097.07 | 209.09 | 0.19 |
61 | FLI | 10-2 | 1299.39 | 17 | Northeast | Metro NY | 1007.45 | 291.94 | 0.29 | |
69 | 3 | Deadweight | 8-5 | 1254.27 | 0 | Northeast | Metro NY | 1227.12 | 27.16 | 0.02 |
78 | 1 | Bench | 14-8 | 1200.23 | 15 | Northeast | Upstate NY | 1129.37 | 70.86 | 0.06 |
79 | 3 | Scarecrow | 11-8 | 1197.36 | 2 | Northeast | East New England | 1145.19 | 52.17 | 0.05 |
80 | 1 | Obscure | 6-5 | 1189.52 | 12 | Northeast | East New England | 1182.69 | 6.83 | 0.01 |
82 | Heat Wave | 11-9 | 1175.75 | 11 | Northeast | Metro NY | 1153.07 | 22.68 | 0.02 | |
91 | 1 | Mashed | 15-11 | 1098.45 | 15 | Northeast | Upstate NY | 1040.98 | 57.47 | 0.06 |
115 | 1 | Lampshade | 7-13 | 951.72 | 18 | Northeast | East New England | 1090.1 | -138.38 | -0.13 |
136 | 1 | Garbage Pla | 8-8 | 854.71 | 17 | Northeast | Upstate NY | 875.65 | -20.95 | -0.02 |
145 | 10 | Quahogs | 11-6 | 812.34 | 31 | Northeast | East New England | 694.61 | 117.73 | 0.17 |
149 | 1 | NY Swipes | 3-9 | 792.41 | 16 | Northeast | Metro NY | 1015.38 | -222.97 | -0.22 |
154 | 5 | T Party | 7-6 | 773.86 | 75 | Northeast | East New England | 735.52 | 38.34 | 0.05 |
165 | Heat Wave | 2-4 | 677.94 | 18 | Northeast | Metro NY | 593.4 | 84.54 | 0.14 | |
176 | 3 | Brooklyn Hive | 9-18 | 582.14 | 39 | Northeast | Metro NY | 799.81 | -217.66 | -0.27 |
179 | 4 | Starfire | 8-8 | 553.89 | 21 | Northeast | Metro NY | 669.06 | -115.17 | -0.17 |
182 | 4 | Replay | 7-10 | 543.43 | 3 | Northeast | East New England | 599.21 | -55.78 | -0.09 |
185 | UV Rays | 4-9 | 510.5 | 10 | Northeast | West New England | 536.68 | -26.18 | -0.05 | |
189 | 15 | Rainbow | 7-16 | 497.47 | 81 | Northeast | East New England | 661.46 | -163.99 | -0.25 |
193 | 7 | Lobster Disque | 6-7 | 490.53 | 13 | Northeast | East New England | 572.49 | -81.96 | -0.14 |
194 | 1 | Compost Plates | 1-12 | 489.51 | 16 | Northeast | Upstate NY | 882.1 | -392.59 | -0.45 |
205 | 4 | Buffalo Brain Freeze | 7-14 | 431.45 | 9 | Northeast | Upstate NY | 545.88 | -114.43 | -0.21 |
214 | 6 | Taproot | 2-9 | 326.9 | 19 | Northeast | West New England | 575.05 | -248.16 | -0.43 |
216 | 3 | Hartford Current | 2-11 | 302.05 | 10 | Northeast | Metro NY | 632.91 | -330.87 | -0.52 |
241 | 4 | Domino Effect | 0-16 | -520.3 | 108 | Northeast | Metro NY | 59.01 | -579.31 | -9.82 |